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    Holy Rosary Church has been serving the Eastchester Community of the Northeast Bronx since 1925.  We invite all Catholics to participate fully in our spiritual and community life.  

    Whether you are a registered parishioner or a visitor looking for a spiritual home, we hope that the information on this website will be helpful to you.  Please join us in our celebration of the Eucharist and other special parish events throughout the year.  

    If you are new to the parish, please introduce yourself after Mass and register at the Parish Office.  If you have moved recently, please notify the Parish Office of your new address.

    "You always have a home at Holy Rosary!"
    [email protected]
  • Sunday Mass times

    Saturday (Vigil Mass): 4 PM 
     Sunday: 7AM, 8:15AM, 9:45AM, 11:30AM and 1:15PM.
    Confessions: Saturday 2:45 to 3:45PM and Sunday 9AM to 9:45AM
  • serra club

    Date: February 26, 2025
    Place: Eastwood Manor, 3371 Eastchester Road, Bronx, 10469
    Time: 12 noon
    Speaker: Sr. Joan Curtin, CND, Vicar for Religious Services, Archdiocese of NY
    Luncheon: Fruit plate, Salad, Pasta, Entree and Dessert, Bread, Wine, Soda, Coffee, Tea                            Price: $42 per person.  Please RSVP to Carl Lanzano @ 718 325-6706 
    if you plan to attend.


    HOLY ROSARY CHURCH (1925-2025)
        Sunday, October 5, 1:00 PM - Cardinal Dolan Celebrates Mass for Our 100th Anniversary
        Sunday, October 19 – 
        100th Anniversary Dinner Dance 
        at Marina Del Rey
    (Cocktails at 4:00 PM; Dinner at 5:00 PM)
    TO COME!

  • cardinal's appeal

    Please consider making a donation for this worthy cause that helps support the ministries, institutions and charities that cultivate our journey in faith and also helps us to reach our parish goal. Envelopes can be found in the lobby of the church

  • Committee of Black Ministry

    Bus Trip to Sight & Sound Theater 
    to see “Noah” on Saturday, August 2, 2025 
    Show Starts: 11:00 AM
    Bus will leave Holy Rosary at 7:00AM.
    The cost will be
    $160.00 for Adults & $100.00 for Children which includes round trip and lunch. Please see the flyers in the Church lobby. 

  • POTS – Part of the Solution

    The mission of POTS (“Part Of The Solution”), a soup kitchen on Webster Ave , is to nourish the basic needs of all who come to its door. The POTS Ministry at Holy Rosary (administered by the Holy Name Society) collects non-perishable food items and delivers them to POTS. Please leave your donations on the cart in the lobby of the church and we’ll do the rest! Thank you for food donations and support for this vital organization that so many depend on.
    See https://potsbronx.org
    for more information on POTS.